Grandma's House is a welcoming space for many. We practice the golden rule: treat others as you wish to be treated.

Primal ♥ Behemoth ♥ Goblet ♥ Ward 16 ♥ Plot 12

When you're here, you're family.

Rules of The House

  1. Golden Rule: Treat others as you expect to be treated. We expect you to be polite to all.

  2. No Bigotry, Hatred, Homophobia, Transphobia, Racism, Sexism, Classism or Fascism on the premises. You will be removed from the house and blacklisted if you misbehave in this way.

  3. Safe For Work: We are a SAFE FOR ALL AGES Venue. This means no lewds, nudes, or crudes are to be done here. If your RP starts getting steamy, take it to your own home!!

  4. Sharing is Caring: Please do not hog the stage. While it is a generally open stage for all, let staff know if you'd like to play and we'll make arrangements for you.

  5. RP Lite: RP is not required but respect those who do or do not. If you'd like to Roleplay with others, please turn on your /roleplaying tag to let people know you're down to RP! If someone does not have the RP tag on, don't force them to RP!

  6. Staff has the Final Word. No matter what the dispute, Staff gets the final say. If you choose to argue with a staff decision, you'll be blacklisted.

  7. LGBTQIA+ Safe space: Grandma's Gay, Grandpa's an honorary lesbian and most of us are queer or queer-adjacent. As such we strive to make this space friendly to ALL LGBTQIA+ friends and allies. Break this rule and Arya will break your hands.

  8. Valtia will end your miserable little life if you act a fool. I'm not joking, they told me themselves.

About Grandma's House

There once was a house in the middle of the woods...In actuality, Grandma's House isn't like that. We're a band of friends who came together to make a Free Company and then Arya got into roleplaying, lured Lavanda in, and now they all run a cute little cafe.We enjoy having bards come in and play on our stage as well as people who like Roleplaying and those who are more casual and just want a spot to chill. We focus on serving things you'd expect to find at your grandmother's house with a high focus on sweets.


These are the people who make it possible!
Active staff will have a "Looking For Party" Tag on.

Lavanda Kha
Owner/ Grandma

Hestia Fallwind
Manager / Grandpa

Runsker Iaculat
Bard / Cousin It

J'Jodesh Modezo
FC Lead / Uncle JoJo

Valtia Camoa
Manager / ThemWife

Synne Wardin
Staff / Grandchild

Arya Alsahiir
Head Manager / Wine Aunt

Zelfia Camoa
FC member / Husbun

Miw'a Shasab
FC member / Grandchild